Tuesday, April 26, 2022

How Effective Is Using a Mosquito Fogging Machine?

If you are unfamiliar with using a fogger for pests and mosquito control or new to the business, you will have various questions regarding the mosquito fogging machine. More specifically, does an insect fogger machine actually work?

The answer to this question is YES. A mosquito fogging machine is effective and efficient in keeping mosquitoes and other flying pests away from the treatment area. However, the treatment will not last forever. 

You will notice an up to a 90% decrease in mosquitoes and flying pests in the treatment area within the first week. But, this drops as time goes by. The duration of the effectiveness of your insect fogger will mostly depend on the insecticide or pesticide you use as the liquid solution for your fogger.

Using a fogger is only a temporary solution to handle and control mosquitoes and pests. You need to target the main cause of the problem in order to get a long-term mosquito and pest free in your space.

That being said, mosquito fogging is a quick, effective, efficient, and safe way to kill mosquitoes and other pests and protect your space. 

Use a mosquito fogger machine against flying insects and mosquitos. Invatech Italia

How does a mosquito fogging machine work?

To put it simply, the mosquito fogging machine turns the liquid solution you added to its tank into fine mists or fog. How the insect fogger machine makes this happen will depend on what type of fogging machine you are using.

There are two main types of fogging machines, namely thermal and cold foggers. If you are using a thermal mosquito fogging machine, the liquid solution will become fog or mist by using condensation. The liquid solution will come into contact with the heated rod inside the machine and cause it to condense creating a fine and thick fog.

On the other hand, a cold fogging machine uses air pressure to make mists or fog. This type of fogging machine is also the best disinfectant fogger because the size of the particles it creates is perfect for indoor use.

What chemicals are used in a mosquito fogging machine?

There are 4 chemicals commonly used in a mosquito fogging machine to control mosquitoes and other pests, namely:


This chemical kills adult mosquitoes. It is one of the oldest chemicals used to control mosquitoes. Malathion has been used in Canada since 1953. It is also called adulticide and is mostly used in controlling pests and mosquitoes in agriculture or large-scale fogging.


This chemical works on adult mosquitoes just like malathion. Naled is very lethal to mosquitoes and insects. It can also kill some birds and freshwater fish. Make sure to be mindful of these animals and not to use naled if the treatment area has other animals.


It is a natural insecticide produced by chrysanthemum plants. There are two types of pyrethrin produced by chrysanthemum plants, pyrethrin-I, and pyrethrin-II. Pyrethrin-II is commonly used at home and all foggers can use them. However, pyrethrin-I can only be used by certified foggers. Pyrethrin works by targeting the mosquitoes' nervous system resulting in killing more mosquitoes. Also, pyrethrins are more environmentally-friendly because they can decompose in the environment.


This chemical is a synthetic version of pyrethrin. It has a very similar chemical structure and effects to pyrethrin. Pyrethroids contain deltamethrin, permethrin, resmethrin, and sumithrin. Compared to pyrethrins, they remain in the air longer and are light-resistant. Meaning pyrethroids provide mosquito control and protection longer.

Bottle with a insecticide for mosquito fogging machine. Invatech Italia

Always read and understand the labels of a product and the precautions of the chemicals before using them to keep yourself safe.

How long does a mosquito fogging machine treatment last?

A mosquito fogging machine provides excellent mosquito control and protection for 72 hours. In this duration, it is at the peak of its insect control performance and will gradually decrease as time passes. However, there are instances where people notice their spaces and the treatment area is still mosquito-free, 2 weeks after the fogging. 

The duration of the effectiveness of your mosquito fogging machine will greatly depend on the insecticide you use. Read the label and instructions first before using the liquid solution or insecticide.

How long should you wait to go outside after using a mosquito fogging machine?

Depending on the product, you only need to wait for 15 to 20 minutes. But there are cases when you need to wait at least an hour before entering the treatment area. It will mostly depend on the insecticide and pesticide you use on your mosquito fogging machine. 

We highly recommend checking the label and instructions on your liquid solution to know how long before you can enter a newly treated area.

Benefits of using a mosquito fogging machine

The main benefit of using a mosquito fogging machine is its effectiveness and efficiency. It is highly effective in mosquito and pest control and protection for both indoor and outdoor use. The fog or mists contain insecticide which can instantly get rid of the pests and leave a protective barrier in the treatment area. A mosquito fogging machine is an easy and convenient way to get rid of mosquitoes and pests. It can also be used in wide, open spaces such as concert centers, farms, parks, and other outdoor spaces.

An insect fogger machine is pretty easy to use and user-friendly. All you need is the liquid solution, familiarize yourself with the controls of your mosquito fogging machine, and you can start fogging.

Worker treating an area with a mosquito fogger machine. Invatech Italia

Also, using a mosquito fogging machine is more environmentally friendly compared to other ways to get rid of mosquitoes. There are eco-friendly solutions available in the market as well. The fog it produces is odorless. It will not leave a funky and irritating smell behind.

Using a mosquito fogging machine for getting rid of mosquitoes and pests is economical, convenient, and effective. 

When to contact a professional about a mosquito fogging machine?

A mosquito fogging machine is widely available and can be purchased at many stores such as here at Invatech Italia. These highly effective fogging machines are simple to use and are the best option to make your task easier. However, choosing a mosquito fogging machine can be a daunting task with the many models and types on the market.

If you want to try fogging yourself and have your own mosquito fogging machine, contact or call Invatech Italia at đź“ž1-800-651-8190 today and we will help you choose the right fogger for you!

source https://invatechitalia.com/blogs/news/effectiveness-of-mosquito-fogger-machine

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Which is Better: Thermal Fogger vs. ULV Fogger Sprayer

A fogger sprayer is a device or a machine filled with a liquid solution. When the machine is turned on, the backpack sprayer will turn the liquid solution into fine mists or fog. Depending on what type of liquid solution is added, it can disinfect the surfaces, and kill flying pests like mosquitoes.

There are two main types of fogger sprayers, namely thermal fogger and ULV fogger sprayer. We delve deeper into these two types and figure out the differences between the two and which one is the best fogger sprayer for you. Let’s begin!

What is a fogger sprayer machine used for?

A fogger sprayer machine is a versatile piece of equipment that turns the liquid solution into fine mists or fog. They are often used in pest control to kill flying pests and prevent them from coming back. The particles produced by mosquito foggers can stay in the air for a long time making them very effective in pest control. 

Man using a fogger sprayer machine to kill mosquitoes. Invatech Italia

For this application, the mosquito fogger machine is usually filled with insecticides or pesticides to get rid of flying insects. 

A fogger sprayer can also be used for sanitation. The disinfectant fogger machine became very popular because of the COVID-19 surge.

The disinfectant fogger machine is filled with disinfectant solution and used to disinfect all the surfaces in the treatment area. Using a disinfectant fogger with an effective disinfectant solution is highly effective in sanitizing and disinfecting hospitals, medical environments, spacious rooms, parks, food preparation areas, and more.

An outdoor fogger machine can be used in odor control, agriculture, and protecting your crops, animals, and stock. 

There are many applications of a fogger sprayer. It will depend on what liquid solution you added to its tank.

What is a thermal fogger sprayer?

A thermal fogger sprayer is a type of fogging machine which uses heat to turn the liquid solution into fine mists or fog. Typically, the particles produced by a thermal fogger sprayer are about 0.05 - 10 microns. It comes with a heat barrel, preheated to reach a high temperature using electricity, gas, or propane, depending on your fogger sprayer.

When a liquid solution is added to the thermal fogger machines, it will move to the heat barrel which instantly vaporizes the liquid solution. Because of vaporization, the particles produced by your thermal fogger sprayer are extremely small leading to dense fog, resembling smoke.

Because of the extremely fine and small particles produced by thermal fogger sprayers, the solution stays in the air longer making them ideal for pest control. Thermal foggers are the best mosquito fogger and are often designed with a backpack sprayer for ease of use.

What is a ULV fogger sprayer?

A ULV fogger sprayer is also called a cold fogger sprayer because of the cold fog and mists it produces. In general, the particles your cold fogger sprayer produces are in the 5 to 20 micron range which is bigger compared to thermal fogger sprayers. It uses air pressure to turn the liquid solution into fog and mists. They are powered using gasoline, compressed air, or electricity.

Professional using a ULV fogger sprayer to disinfect washroom. Invatech Italia

When a liquid solution is added to the ULV fogger sprayer’s solution tank, the tank pumps it using the motor. At the tank’s nozzle, pressure is applied to the liquid solution and turns it into fog and mists. 

Many ULV fogger sprayer lets you control the size of the particles they produce. Also, because heat is not used in the process of turning the liquid solution into mists or fog, they are ideal and safe for indoor use.

Difference between thermal fogger and ULV fogger sprayer

A fogger sprayer has two main types, thermal and ULV fogger sprayer. The objective and purpose of both fogger machines are the same. But in reality, they use different operations and require different liquid solutions. In addition, each type of fogger sprayer can be better used for a specific application compared to the other.

Let’s take a closer look at the differences between a thermal fogger sprayer and a ULV fogger sprayer. 


As the name suggests, the thermal fogger sprayers use heat to turn the liquid solution into mists and fog. It comes with a heating coil or barrel which is preheated to a high temperature. When your fogger sprayer is turned on, the heating coil will start to heat up inside the motor. And when the liquid solution gets in contact with the heated barrel, the solution will start to vaporize. Because of the vaporization, the fog and mist it produces are denser and finer compared to the ones produced by a cold fogger sprayer.

On the other hand, ULV fogger sprayers apply air pressure to turn the liquid solution into mists and fog. It is also called a cold fogger sprayer because it operates using cold fogging methods. To turn the liquid solution into mists and fog, the ULV fogger sprayer comes with a low-pressure, high-power air stream. When your cold fogger machine is turned on, the liquid solution is pumped into the special nozzle which is designed to make the air inside begin to flow in a swirling motion. The high pressure produced from this pushes the liquid solution through the nozzle into fine particles.

Particle Size

The particle size produced by your fogger sprayer will depend on the model of your fogging machine. However, a thermal fogger sprayer produces smaller particles, averaging from 0.5-10 micron range. On the other hand, a ULV fogger sprayer produces a bit bigger particles, averaging from the 5 to 30-micron range.

Professional in a protective suit using a fogger sprayer in room. Invatech Italia

Because of the smaller particles a thermal fogger sprayer produces, they are effective both indoors and outdoors. In addition, the mist and fog produced stay in the air longer making them perfect for pest management. The fog produced is very thick and visible to the eyes making it easy to see and control its direction. 

On the other hand, a ULV fogger sprayer produced bigger particles compared to a thermal fogger. Because of this, cold fogging machines are perfect for disinfecting and sanitation.

Uses of thermal fogger and ULV fogger sprayer

Both thermal and ULV fogger sprayers are used in similar ways. They can also use either or both water and/or oil-based liquid solution depending on the model of your fogger sprayer. However, there are cases when a thermal is more effective compared to ULV and vice versa. 

Thermal fogging machines produce finer particles and visible fog making them ideal for the following uses:

Insect control

For insect control, a thermal fogger sprayer is beneficial because the fog and mist are smaller. Meaning, that the insecticide and pesticide you use will stay in the air longer and will penetrate through dense vegetation better.

Direct outdoor application

Because the fog produced by your thermal fogger sprayer is more visible, it will be easier for the operator to control the direction of the fog and monitor the operation better. Also, heat is used in turning the liquid solution into fog or mist making them more ideal for outdoor use.

The smoke from mosquito fogger sprayer contrasts with the sunlight. Invatech Italia

Small, hidden areas

The smaller-sized particles produced by the thermal fogger sprayer can penetrate through smaller cracks and crevices in the floors, ceilings, walls, and other small and/or narrow areas.

A ULV fogger sprayer doesn’t heat up, reducing the risks of fire. In addition, the fog and mist it produces are not visible to the naked eye making them ideal for residential areas. Also, they are quieter compared to thermal foggers. Because of all these, ULV foggers can be used in the following:


As mentioned above, a cold fogger sprayer doesn’t produce too much heat making them ideal for indoor use.

Sanitizing, disinfecting, and odor control

The particles produced by your ULV fogger sprayer are larger and don’t stay in the air that long. These particles will drop to the surfaces in the treated area, sanitizing and disinfecting all the surfaces. Just add the right disinfectant solution to your cold fogger.

Mold and fungal control

Your cold fogger sprayer can be filled with fungicides and a mold control liquid solution.

Which fogger sprayer is better?

Both thermal and cold fogger sprayers have their own use, pros, and cons. Here are some advantages and disadvantages of both to help you choose which one is better depending on how you are going to use them.

Infographic Thermal vs. ULV mosquito fogger sprayer. Invatech Italia

Choosing which type of fogger sprayer is better will mostly depend on what your goal is. If you are planning to use your fogging machine to get rid of mosquitoes and other insects, go for thermal. But if you want to start your own sanitizing and disinfecting business, choose ULV fogger sprayers.

Whichever type of fogging machine you choose, you will not go wrong with Invatech Italia. Contact us to find out more about fogger sprayers.

source https://invatechitalia.com/blogs/news/which-is-better-thermal-fogger-vs-ulv-fogger-sprayer

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Safety Tips When Using a Backpack Mosquito Fogger

A backpack mosquito fogger is a very helpful tool to get rid of mosquitoes and other insects and then prevent them from entering your space for a period of time. It is efficient, easy to use, and makes any job easier. However, its effectiveness will depend on the liquid solution you use and add to your insect fogger machine. 

Mosquito fogging machines are simple to use. However, it’s always best to read the instructions and features of your backpack mosquito fogger before using it. For first-time users of an insect fogger machine, you might be wondering how you can avoid hurting yourself or others while using your backpack mosquito fogger.

Safety first when using a backpack mosquito fogger. Invatech Italia

There are some guidelines and procedures we recommend following when using a mosquito backpack fogger to ensure you and those around you are not harmed. In this article, we listed the safety tips and tricks you need to remember when you are using your backpack mosquito fogger. Let us begin!

Is backpack mosquito fogger solution dangerous?

Typically, the liquid solution used in a mosquito mister and fogger is similar to the common insecticides used in most homes. They contain pyrethrins, a chemical derived from chrysanthemum flowers. This compound is toxic to insects and other pests. 

However, as the person who will be using the backpack mosquito fogger, you need to keep in mind that the liquid solution is very deadly to all insects and flying pests. This includes those beneficial insects, such as butterflies, bees, caterpillars, and more. 

If you are fogging a farm, it can affect crops and plants. Pollinators are very important to plants, crops, and farms. They are active in the afternoon, we highly recommend doing your mosquito fogging in the morning and/or evening to avoid killing all the beneficial insects.

Bees are pollinators. Be careful using a backpack mosquito fogger. Invatech Italia

How to prepare and use the insecticide for a backpack mosquito fogger

Insecticides and liquid solutions used in a backpack mosquito fogger should be handled with care, especially if you are a first-time user. That is why we listed 6 things you need to remember when you are preparing your liquid solution for your outdoor mosquito fogger.

1. Read the instructions

One of the most common mistakes many backpack mosquito fogger users tend to make is forgetting to read the label and instructions on the insecticides they use. You might think it is unnecessary but we highly recommend reading the instructions even if you have been using the same insecticides for years.

The instructions included in the label might contain important information. Some might also include what type of mosquito fogger machine they are compatible with. Remember, not all insecticide is made equal. Some might work better with cold fogger machines while others are better paired with thermal foggers.

Spend a few minutes reading the instructions in your insecticide before you start. 

2. Pour the insecticide carefully

Be careful when you are pouring your insecticide liquid solution into your backpack mosquito fogger’s tank to avoid spillage. The insecticide you are using is highly concentrated and may cause skin irritation or allergic reaction. 

Always wear your gloves to protect your hands.

Workers in gloves for backpack mosquito fogger. Invatech Italia

3. Avoid contact with water

This is very important for those professionals who use an electric backpack mosquito fogger. We all know that water and power cords do not mix well. 

If you are using an electric backpack mosquito fogger and long extension cords, we highly recommend avoiding any water. Make sure no water is near your power outlet and mosquito fogging machine.

4. Avoid contact with open flames

Remember to avoid contact with open flames, sparks, or ignition sources. Especially if you are using a gas-powered backpack mosquito fogger

A mosquito fogger has a gas tank. They make it easier to move around because there are no long extension cords you need to think about. However, when the gas tank is exposed to flames or high temperatures, it can explode. That is why it is essential to avoid open flames for gas-powered mosquito fogger machine users. 

Read the owner’s manual carefully for the safety and hazards statements before use.

5. Avoid direct sunlight 

Protect your backpack mosquito fogger from direct sunlight for long periods of time and store it in a well-ventilated space. Your owner’s manual will outline the temperatures your mosquito fogger should not exceed.

Thermometer reading 40 Degrees with the sun. Avoid for backpack mosquito foggers. Invatech Italia

When you are using your propane backpack mosquito fogger, we highly recommend doing your fogging early in the morning and/or late afternoon or evening. This way you do not only avoid being exposed to too much sunlight and heat but also avoid killing all the pollinators and beneficial insects in your space.

6. Avoid direct contact with skin

The insecticides used in a backpack mosquito fogger are highly concentrated. When your mosquito fogging machine turns the insecticides into mists and fogs, the insecticides get thinned out. 

When you are handling concentrated insecticides and solutions, we highly recommend using proper protective gear, such as gloves and goggles, to protect yourself.

Recommended safety equipment for a backpack mosquito fogger

Wearing the right personal protective equipment and gear when handling insecticides and pesticides is necessary. Here is Invatech Italia’s recommended safety equipment to wear when you are using your backpack mosquito fogger and handling concentrated insecticides.

Safety equipment for backpack mosquito fogger. Invatech Italia


Choose unlined, chemical-resistant, and elbow-length gloves when handling insecticides. The length will provide protection up to your wrists. 

Check the material of the gloves you are using. Remember, not all gloves are made equal. There are certain materials that can provide excellent protection against insecticides. Nitrile, butyl, neoprene, polyethylene, PVC, and barrier laminates are materials you should look into. They are effective in protecting your hands up to your wrists while handling insecticides.

Eye protection glasses

To protect your eyes, wear goggles. Look for those that provide brow and side protection. Make sure they are non-fogging or they will hinder your vision when the temperature changes. 

Wearing goggles when using your backpack mosquito fogger is very important to protect your eyes from sudden splatters when handling your insecticides. 

Remember, eyes are very sensitive. Protect them at all costs.

Respirator mask

To avoid inhaling toxic chemicals or too much exposure to insecticides, you might be required to use a respirator mask. This is where reading the label on your insecticide comes in. 

Protection Mask Hazmat Suit for backpack mosquito fogger. Invatech Italia

The insecticide you are using might contain various chemicals and ingredients that can cause difficulty in breathing and other side effects. Some insecticides might require you to wear respiratory masks to avoid these. Always read the label before using it.

Disposable coveralls

Non-toxic or slightly toxic insecticides will not require you to wear disposable coveralls. However, if you are handling moderate to very toxic insecticides, it is necessary to wear disposable and high-quality coveralls. They should be long enough to reach your gloves and cover your wrists up to ankles. 

Read the label on your insecticides before using them. 

Ear protection

There might be a backpack mosquito fogger that produces too much noise. If your fogging machine is one of them, we highly recommend wearing ear protection. Hearing protectors will reduce the noise exposure level of your ears.

You can use earmuffs, earplugs, and semi-insert earplugs to protect your ears.

When handling insecticides for your backpack mosquito fogger, you need to make sure you are well protected. Safety should be your #1 priority. Read the owner’s manual and wear the right protective equipment to prevent any accidents from happening. Visit Invatech Italia and learn more about mosquito foggers, ULV fogging machines, insecticides, and disinfectant solutions.

source https://invatechitalia.com/blogs/news/safety-tips-when-using-a-backpack-mosquito-fogger

6 Places You Can Use a Disinfectant Fogger

A disinfectant fogger is one of the most versatile machines you can have to prevent the spread of bacteria, viruses, and pathogens . The di...